Bipolar Disorder: Am I Happy Or Manic?Few things are more confusing than trying to figure out if you're happy or experiencing euphoria. Some of us people with bipolar disorder live in fear of happiness and feeling...Reactions0reactions
Being Bipolar and... Organized! (Sort Of)Let's talk about the whirlwind of being bipolar and (DIS)organized. I've got 99 problems, and being dipolar and disorganized is most definitely ONE — but y'all, we're thriving anyway! Listen...Reactions0reactions
Why Are You Crying? How to Fight WeepinessWhen I'm depressed, I cry all the time. I cry at the drop of an eyelash, it seems. Psychiatrists typically call this weepiness or tearfulness. And while crying is healthy...Reactions0reactions
5 Things I Wish I Knew When Diagnosed With Bipolar DisorderThe day of diagnosis is intimidating and scary for most. Personally? I was pretty relieved when I was diagnosed with bipolar disorder because there was a reason that my life...Reactions0reactions
Real Self-Care With Bipolar Is Not About Bubble BathsSocial media is awash in self-care content, but I have news for you: self-care with bipolar disorder is not about face masks and bubble baths. While I have no problem...Reactions0reactions
"Talking About It" vs. Therapy: The Difference MattersAs a person with bipolar disorder who's spent a lot of time in mental health circles, one of the most common phrases I've heard is, "You should talk to someone."...Reactions0reactions
How I Know I'm Sliding into DepressionDepression is an extremely prevalent part of my experience with bipolar disorder type 2. In fact, I find my medication quells hypomania almost entirely but still allows depression to sneak...Reactions0reactions
Using The Internet To Learn About Your Mental IllnessMany moons ago, in the ancient times of about 2009ish, I was diagnosed with bipolar disorder. Like many people, I turned to the internet for more information about what I...Reactions0reactions
What is "Stability" with Bipolar Disorder?What does it mean to be "stable" while living with bipolar disorder? Spoiler alert: I have absolutely no idea. In recent months, I have thrown around terms like "pretty stable"...Reactions0reactions
Bipolar Is Not a Superpower, and Famous People Shouldn't Say That It IsRecently, world-renowned chef Heston Blumenthal told the world he has bipolar disorder and attention-deficit/hyperactivity disorder (ADHD), and he called his neurodiversity a "superpower." While I'm happy for people who feel...Reactions0reactions
After a Diagnosis Of Bipolar Disorder...Everyone seems to have a slightly different relationship to their diagnosis with bipolar disorder. I know that when I was diagnosed over 15 years ago, I felt relief. Up until...Reactions0reactions
Bipolar and Anxiety: Walking the TightropeIdentifying myself with bipolar disorder often feels like walking a high-wire tightrope. On one side, I never want mental illness to be my entire identity. On the other side, bipolar...Reactions0reactions
5 Qualities of a Good TherapistI have had many years of therapy and have seen many therapists. I first started therapy as a child because of my parent's divorce and unfortunate family dynamics and then...Reactions0reactions
Cue the Blues: Seasonal Depressive Shifts in Bipolar DisorderLiving with bipolar disorder can be a challenge at any time of year. But when the seasons shift, things can get even harder. Many people with bipolar disorder will experience...Reactions0reactions
Three Challenges Older People With Bipolar Disorder May FaceObviously, there are distinct differences on the path of improved mental health and stability depending on one's personal circumstances. Personal circumstances changes a lot of context about any health issue...Reactions0reactions
How My Father's Bipolar Affected How I Deal with MineI was diagnosed with bipolar disorder when I was about 20 years old. It was a challenging diagnosis to get as I was originally misdiagnosed with major depression. It would...Reactions0reactions
Navigating Bipolar Disorder With Other Health Conditions"I know what you have," my internist said when he saw me sitting in the waiting room. "Let me get settled and then we'll talk." Up to that point, it...Reactions0reactions
Thank You, BipolarGrocery stores are overwhelming. Big, bright, full of people and noise. You go in with a list and come out grumbling with a headache. At least my husband does. After...Reactions0reactions
"The Lost Years": Before Diagnosis and RecoveryI needed a good cry for quite a long time. I thought I was ready. It turns out you can plan a therapeutic cry just about as well as you...Reactions0reactions
Sharing My Story as a Content Creator With Bipolar DisorderI am a mental health content creator living with bipolar 2 disorder. I did not seek this out initially. In 2022 I started writing a book. This book was a...Reactions0reactions